۱۳۸۹ آذر ۸, دوشنبه

باز هم ویکیلیکس فاش کرد: ایران تحت عنوان هلال احمر، در جنگ ۳۳ روزه به لبنان اسلحه قاچاق کرده است

 مدارک و اسناد ویکیلیکس حاکی از آن است که سپاه پاسداران ایران تحت عنوان
هلال احمر به حزب الله لبنان کمک کرده است.
ran used the cover of the Iranian Red Crescent to
smuggle intelligence agents and missiles intoLebanon
during the Second Lebanon War, according to a leaked US
 Embassy cable published on Sunday by WikiLeak.

Dated October 2008, the cable, which originated in Dubai, was based on a meeting between a US diplomat and an unnamed source. According to the cable, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps smuggled officers into Lebanon during the 2006 war with Hizbullah under the guise of Red Crescent officials.

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